Friday, January 9, 2009

overstating joys and understating sorrows

There are two kinds of people-One category is of those who boast a lot -that they are happy with what is going on .Second category comprises of those who always weigh their happiness and achievements to be lesser than that of others.

Talking about the first category first.

People of first category actually fake their happiness just to keep themselves a notch ahead of others.They just ignore their faults in front of others so as not to get embarrassed .Their behavior is just a pretense that everything is fine and they have too many alternatives available for the failure ,they just encountered .
When they say that they have better options in hand ,actually ,in a way they are right .Right because they are so much in love with procrastination that they just put the burden of present on the opportunities of the future.
Eg. If they fail in CAT -they have IIFT to improve-if they fail in IIFT-they have IRMA to improve-if they fail in IRMA-they have SNAP to improve-if they fail in SNAP-they have NMAT,XAT,FMS and MCA entrance examinations to show their caliber.Actually this series has infinite elements.
One more reason that they flaunt their happiness is that joy is what is very rarely available to them so they do not want to let go even a fraction of a second, to enjoy the moment of happiness which generally comes to them after a long lull.
But there is one thing for which i love this class of people and that one thing is that when these people sport such a high magnitude joy then those who are jealous of them give some very unique reaction.
I swear to God -its very satisfying when you see their idiosyncrasies bring out some very different colors of their nature.

Whatever it is -to be a part of this class is a harmful thing in the long run.

Now something about second category.

These people are generally calculative in their behavior.They are sensible,clever and very focused about what to do next.For them everything is like-"now or never".This theory is what drives them to go for the kill in the first attempt itself.There is no word like 'complacency' in their dictionary.They will hit the jackpot in first chance itself but will show as if they did not do anything....its just luck.
I think they are justified in their behavior .When you will not acknowledge your efforts then you will try harder to achieve something much more substantial ...bas ...yahi pe lag gaya jackpot.

Actually i belong to the first category but today i will take a resolution (i was waiting for some new year resolution) that from now on i will be consistent in my performance and will never give myself to self satisfaction.
I have heard that when you want something from heart then whole world conspires to unify you with it.
Personally i do not like to be a victim of any conspiracy but this time i want to be preyed upon.


Unknown said...

hey gaurav, it was nice reading your blog (for the first time, ha,)

but there is something which i do not approve of, and i think i should share it with you.

Your thoughts about the 1st category of people.
We all know tht everyone has a special talent and we cannot be genius at all fronts. so, if a person is giving a shot at something and is not getting the desired result, should he sit and cry or whether he should bring all his hopes together, smile at the sun-rise and get ready to fight again. Hope is the very basis of the human survival, without hope nothing is possible.
We all know tht falling down is not failure, but staying down is. So may be this "losing and smiling and reasoning" is a mechanism through which they give themselves hope to fightback, to assure themselves tht the sun will definately rise tommorow, no matter how dark the night is.
When one opurtunity is gone, 4 more comes to life.(Actually they are there already, its just tht v never consider them)
Can you challenge the plan of God, the bigger, better plan, which will all make sense to us when the Time si Right. !

g_d_22 said...

i think you misread me.I just pointed out some characterstics of these people as i am one amongst them and i know you also belong to the first category so just agree with me.This is not a request.Its an order.
I never said that they are incapable of excelling but what i said was - they are never ready, for that much commitment and devotion.
Whatever i have witten is not just for the sake of writing ,i wrote all that because i have observed this and you know this better because you have already changed thousands of plans about your career.First you went for CAT then when you saw that you are not ready for that much commitment then you changed your plan(to study abroad and u will not have to take GMAT also).
Again you got deviated from your path and u took SNAP to study in India.
See i have a live example in the form of MR. Mayank Goel.What else do you want!